
This is a more technical explanation of the addon architecture aimed at developers. It is quite detailed and technical, if you are an artist/map designer you might want to read the plugin overview instead.

The basic architecture of the addon is pretty simple: a map (scene) contains 0-1 EventManager nodes, the node contains 0-* events and each event contains 0-* triggers, 0-* conditions and 0-* actions, just as visualized in the following graphic:

The basic architecture of the Godot Event Manager.

If there is no EventManager node inside the scene, the addon will create it when it is required (e.g. when the first event is created). It will be placed as a direct child to the scene root, but may actually be anywhere inside the scene, as long as it is not inside another scene instance. Also the name of the node may be changed arbitrarily, only the type must stay the same. When the node is removed, all events will be gone, too.