
The plugin defines three commands with numerous sub commands. The /betterquests command is used to create and modify quests and is meant to be used by the server administrators. The /quest command is meant to be used by the players to view and manage their currently running and finished quests. The final command, /bq_callback is used by the plugin as a callback for players clicking texts in a menu and should not be used directly.


The /betterquests command is used by the server administrators to manage the quests available on the server. It consists of several sub commands.

Alias: /bq
Permission: betterquests.admin (defaults to op)

Sub Command Description
<none> Print help.
advertise Advertise a quest to a player.
finish Force a quest to be finished.
new Create a new quest.
edit Edit an existing quest.
del Delete a quest.
list List existing quests.
save Force saving of quests.
version Display the plugins version.


Alias: /q

Sub Command Description
<none> List active quests.
log Hand out the quest log.